Scalp Microneedling For Hair Loss

Hair is something that can make many people feel self conscious. You ​may find yourself wondering how to prevent hair loss or have started to notice that your hair is thinning and are seeking a solution. We are here to help, as our skin clinic in Telford offers microneedling for hair loss, which is an effective alternative to hair transplantation. Scalp microneedling is more affordable, quicker, and minimally invasive with no downtime compared to the surgical route. This makes scalp microneedling a very attractive option for those with thinning hair concerns.

Microneedling for balding spots involves the normal microneedling protocol, which is creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin, stimulating the body's natural healing response and boosting collagen and elastin production. By rejuvenating hair follicles and nourishing hair proteins, microneedling promotes hair growth. During the procedure, a specialised skin pen microneedling device with small sterile needles is used to create small microchannels in the scalp, however minimal discomfort is felt by the client due to the effective numbing of the area. This is then followed by Dermalux Flex LED light therapy, as red LED light has proven to help with hair loss. 

Microneedling for hair loss typically involves 12 weekly sessions to complete the course, with recommended follow-up sessions for maintenance. This method offers a cost-effective path to hair restoration, with results that are discreet and natural-looking, making it an appealing choice for those hesitant about traditional hair transplant procedures. Both men and women who are experiencing hair thinning would be suitable for this treatment, however, they must have active hair follicles to begin with, therefore a preliminary consultation is required to assess scalp condition.

Book your no-obligation consultation today to determine if microneedling for hair loss of the scalp is the right solution for you.

  • Following this treatment you may experience redness, itchiness and flakiness. Please use scalp soothing lotion to help alleviate symptoms. Please follow the following advice:

    • Refrain from touching or picking the skin.

    • Refrain from washing hair or applying products for 48 hours.

    • Avoid sun exposure on the area and protect with SPF and/or a hat.

    • Do not swim in chlorine for 24 hours.

    • Avoid hair dyes or bleaching whilst undergoing treatment.

    Any issues, please contact your Skin Specialist.

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