There are many instances which you may find yourself with a wound or scar. Scars are marks formed on the skin by the body’s natural healing response after a wound. Scars tend to be red at first and then mature into a white colour which can be noticeable and unwanted for clients. Most scars will fade over time but will never completely disappear on their own. This is why we are happy to offer treatments such as microneedling to significantly improve their appearance. We offer treatments for acne scars, surgical scars, general scars and self-harm scars at our Telford and Solihull skin clinics.

Types of scars:

  • Normal fine-line scars - A minor wound such as a cut will usually heal to leave a fine line. This will gradually fade over time, however this can take up to 2 years and it will not disappear completely and you will be left with a visible mark. Fine-line scars are common following a wound or after surgery.

  • Keloid scars - This is a thick, raised scar caused by an overgrowth of tissue that happens when collagen is overproduced at the site of a wound. The scar keeps growing, even after the wound has healed. Keloid scars can be pink, red, the same colour or darker than surrounding skin and are often itchy or painful. We recommend contacting your GP or private dermatologist for treatment with Keloid scars as we unfortunately cannot treat these.

  • Hypertrophic scars - Like keloid scars, hypertrophic scars are the result of excess collagen being produced at the site of a wound. Unlike keloid scars, hypertrophic scars do not extend beyond the boundary of the original wound. They may continue to thicken for up to 6 months before gradually improving over a few years.

  • Acne scars (ice pick, rolling or boxcar) - Some scars caused by skin conditions, such as acne and chicken pox, can have a sunken or pitted appearance. Pitted scars, also known as atrophic or "ice-pick" scars, can also develop as a result of an injury that causes a loss of underlying fat. We can treat these at our Telford and Solihull skin clinics.

We are able to treat fine line, acne and hypotrpoic scars at our clinic with a course of SkinPen Precision microneedling. We cannot treat keloid scars and would recommend contacting a doctor who are able to treat these types of scars. If you are unsure of the type of scar you have, it is best to book in for a consultation and this can be determined at the skin analysis stage and we can signpost accordingly.

If you have a wound, the healing process is significantly accelerated by the use of our professional medical grade FDA approved LED Light - The Dermalux Flex MD. LED Light Therapy is anti bacterial and proven to reduce wound size, repair the tissue and close wounds through cell renewal.

If you are suffering with any of the above skin conditions, book a consultation with our Skin Specialists and allow us to help you today.

Scars & Wounds

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