Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores are a common skin concern that may people suffer with, especially those with oily skin and this may make people feel self conscious. If your pores appear larger, it may be because of increased sebum production, which causes oily skin, sun damage and genetics. Enlarged pores can sometimes be accentuated by makeup, which is why many people seek treatment for this concern.

Enlarged pores are largely hereditary and there is nothing you can do to ‘close’ them completely, however there are treatments and products you can use to minimise the appearance of large pores such as SkinPen Precision microneedling. We recommend a course of microneedling to help tighten the skin to help with this skin concern. There are also products that we sell that can help blur large pores.

Book in for a consultation today to see how we can help you minimise the appearance of your pores and feel more confident with and without makeup.

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